Though the picture requires much imagination I'm thinking you will forgive me when I tell you that to take a better one might have resulted in a hideous injury to either me, an innocent bystander (Have you ever wondered about that term. Really? How do we KNOW that the bystander is innocent?) or an amorous turkey. The picture is just a teeny bit of proof of the following facts.
It is turkey season in Iowa. Apparently (and I can back this statement up) they are everywhere doing their turkey come-hither disco moves in an attempt to make a love connection. I have seen them strutting their stuff...usually with a male in all his Thanksgiving Turkey finery. (Okay, without the stuffing or the bag of giblets.) At the side of the interstate. Traffic whizzing by at 65...no problem. He's bad, baby, he's Mr. Turkey Danger. Several females, usually in pairs, (probably headed to the ladies room to talk about their double dates) have crossed roads in front of my car. Apparently within the season of love there are no such things as traffic rules, or cars, for that matter.
The picture is the latest of a "lady" who crossed in front of me. Fortunately, the road was deserted and the turkey made it to make eyes another day.