Violet Dawn….just when you thought it was safe to go….oops…wrong tag line, but it might work...
The Amazon link for the book Violet Dawn:
I just posted a review which may not appear until tomorrow, so you just might have to go back : ).
Here’s my CBD (Christian Book Distributors) review….
Kelly Klepfer from Council Bluffs, Iowa ( Reviewed on May 17, 2006 )
Product Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Comments: "Brandilyn Collins has done it again. This time she has managed to blend the richness of character driven fiction with clench your teeth suspense. Violet Dawn, though creepy in several spots, is less black and white graphic than her Hidden Faces series. Brandilyn has woven a town that I’d like to visit someday. It’s a shame that there’s a rotten murderer skulking around on the main strip.
The fast pace, most of the events take place within a twenty-four hour period, of the novel makes it a quick and compelling read. I only set it down when my tired eyes refused to focus. I’m looking forward to book two in the series. "
There are more at…..
If you think the story is appealing thus far, head on over to the virtual blog for the fictional Kanner Lake characters musings; where hilarious, amusing, and even touching slices of life in the fictional town are captured by several talented writers.
Brandilyn is an excellent teacher and has much great stuff on her blog. She’s also funny…a definite plus in my book. Brandilyn's blogsite: