So this is fun. Remember the coconut crust rhubarb pie that 24 invented? I posted the recipe at the Earth Balance web site because they offered a free product coupon for coconut oil recipes. They have a brand new line of organic coconut oil. How could I not send the amazing coconut crust rhubarb pie recipe in? 24 was pretty jazzed abo
And they wanted to feature it on their website today.
Here it is. Isn't that cool?
My folks, daughter in law and 24 (me, too) took another glass fusion class. Here is my end product. The four season apple t

And at the art fair on Saturday I made (well, mostly stood there while one of the volunteers did all the work) a sweet repurposed vinyl messenger bag....made out of old billboards. How cool is that? The company is called Revinylize... very cool idea.