Summary: The Treasure Principle
After years of writing and teaching on the theme “God owns everything,” in 1990 Randy Alcorn was sued by an abortion clinic (for peaceful, nonviolent intervention for the unborn). Suddenly he had to resign as a pastor and was restricted to making minimum wage. Legally unable to own anything, Randy gave all his book royalties to missions work and need-meeting ministries. He and his family have experienced the reality of The Treasure Principle—that God really does own everything, takes care of us, and graciously puts assets into our hands that we might have the joy and privilege of investing in what will last for eternity.
Author Bio:
Randy Alcorn is the founder and director of Eternal Perspective Ministries (EPM). Prior to 1990, when he started EPM, he served as a pastor for fourteen years. He has spoken around the world and has taught on the adjunct faculties of Multnomah Bible College and Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon. Randy is the best-selling author of twenty-seven books, with over three million in print.
My Review:
This book is simple, and quick, weighing in at a purse-sized 120 pages. The writing is to the point. However, don't expect to read it without doing some soul-searching.
We all know deep down what is expected of us. Really. No matter what we cover it up with, we know there is something bigger than us, something beyond the physical space we take up on this planet. regardless of what we call IT. We also know there is a response of some sort required.
I've lived on both sides of the coin -- living for myself and living for a purpose. Self leaves me feeling empty and unfulfilled. And that's the bottom line. With comments such as " As the wealthiest man on earth, Solomon learned that affluence doesn't satisfy. All it did was give him greater opportunity to chase more mirages." Alcorn cuts through the gunk and the excuses we give for not living our lives for others.
This isn't a comfortable read, at all. If you are not a Christian or are a Christian who doesn't really like the idea of giving God control over your life, I guarantee you'll come away with at least one bruised toe. However, if you are wondering what might be missing in your life, looking for something to bring meaning to your existence, the questions at the back of the book alone are worth the investment you'll make if you chose to purchase the book. Based on Alcorn's heart and principle as shared in this book, I dare say he'd even encourage you to check for it at your local library. The Treasure Principle would translate into a Bible or small group study very easily.