Tuesday greetings with a few random comments for your perusal.
I've been busy writing an article on the Pulitzer Prize. You may want to check it out by visiting NovelJourney.
http://www.noveljourney.blogspot.com/ April 3rd post - The Pulitzer Prize
And a person near and dear to me posted one of the funniest posts I've read in awhile. I think it's his masterpiece. Of course, the fact that I know him well and can picture this event is screamingly funny. Some day I may share some of his early driving experiences. Let's just say the garage has never been the same. And he may or may not share a genetic bond with a certain Pat. http://jordanius.blogspot.com/index.html Me, My Wife and the Wii - March 27th post.
I'll be reviewing "In High Places" later this week. Alas, no interview yet. But a powerful novel.
I've spent some time in Nannyland recently. Nothing like spending time with small children to help get your priorities straight, and to infuse you with simple pleasures in life.
When was the last time you squealed and clapped your hands?
Try it. If nothing else, it will buy you plenty of space as others recoil and walk on the other side of the street to avoid you.
Parent teacher conferences. Gotta love them. And that's all I'm going to say.
I'm thrilled I'm not a teenager, and grateful that most of us do grow up.