The Passion of Mary-Margaret by Lisa Samson Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 10, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1595542116

Product Description
Mary-Margaret yearned to dedicate her life to the Lord. Jesus had another idea.
When Mary-Margaret Fischer met Jude Keller, the lighthouse keeper's son, she was studying at a convent school on a small island off Chesapeake Bay. Destined for a life as a religious sister, she nevertheless felt a pull toward Jude--gorgeous, rebellious, promiscuous Jude. But Jude, driven by demons no one really understood, disappeared into Baltimore's seamy red-light district. Mary-Margaret moved on with her life, preparing to serve God with her sisters as a teacher and artist.
Then Jude comes home--but now he's bitter, dissolute, and diseased. And Mary-Margaret receives a divine call that shakes her to the core, a call to give up her dreams for the troubled man who befriended her so long ago. For Jesus' sake, can she forsake the only life she ever wanted for a love that could literally cost her life?
My Review:
Lisa Samson can write. Not only was I transported by the skill and beauty with which Samson told this story, I was sucked into this memoir of a religious sister as she shared her life journey and the threads of faith and God's sovereignty within that life.
Mary-Margaret was born into a calling. She always knew what and who she needed to be. Her family depended upon her following in the footsteps and completion of the call her mother was unable to fulfill. Jude, the son of the lightkeeper, became a friend. One who both horrified and amused Mary-Margaret. A young man she didn't need but enjoyed having around.
Circumstances and life surged forward. And a difficult thing is asked of Mary-Margaret, a difficult thing asked by Jesus, Himself, of Mary-Margaret.
A seven decade narration wending through past, present and future by a woman who chose to follow Christ whatever the cost compels and horrifies and bleeds with love and compassion. Samson weaves a tapestry that is full of ugly details into something worthy of heaven.
This is a challenging book of fiction that contains massive amounts of truth. Some shouldn't read it. The truth is sometimes painful, raw, ugly and often not polite Sunday School conversation material. Samson delves into Catholicism and the Holy Spirit. Not a traditional Christian novel in any way. Some of the topics are rough: racism, violence, AIDS, sexuality and the acceptance of those who believe yet behave differently than what you may believe to be right.
If you are concerned about content, read more reviews and tread with caution. However, if you hunger for great storytelling, literary writing, edgy or raw fiction that points at the lavish grace of the gospel message, then please look further into The Passion of Mary-Margaret. It's that good.