(I'm getting techie aren't I? ; ) Did I ever mention the time my cousin asked me a computer question - yeah, the one in web design. Hello. This is the kid who watched me back over his tricycle. But the moment felt good!

I can't believe a left-brained man wrote this novel. To be honest, I put it toward the bottom of my "to read" pile because it was written by a man who works with computers and teaches science.
Was I ever wrong about an assumption.
Okay, there are guy, and plenty of logical detail type things in The Heir. Cars, boats, spread sheets, stocks, big business, stuff that just doesn't appeal to my right brain, word-loving mind. But handled by Paul Robertson, these details are not boring, nor did they once trigger my gag reflex.
Great story, well told, tight writing. The meaning of life permeates through a dry wit and sarcastic first person point of view. The author's voice is a pleasant blend of John Grisham and Randy Alcorn.
All is not what it seems to be. And I found several surprises, some pleasant, some not so wonderful, both in the writing and in the plot. One of the surprises was the lack of Christianese.
The Heir veers into far-fetched a time or two, but the cynicism of the narrator and the charming relationship between him and his younger brother makes this an engaging read.
Rumor has it that I may have a few Q and A's for you to peruse tomorrow afternoon.