Tracey has visited the Dregs before. Click here and scroll down. You may visit her website, read her first chapter and check out Dangerous Hearts by click-click-clicking on the cover and highlighted links. And here's :
My Review:
Tracey Bateman brings the final book in her Westward Hearts series. Having not read the first two, I can't compare it to them, but, I imagine that fans of the series will find much to like as several characters seemed to finish out stories while others deepened relationships only hinted at in previous novels.
Classic prairie style romance complete with danger, drama and bad guys. Bateman threw in cholera, nasty cures and enough sensory information that I know for a fact that if I ever get a chance to time travel I won't be going back to places where doctoring required more guess work than tools. Nor where bathing involved the possibility of catching pneumonia since a bath on the trail involved open bodies of water.
Tracey Bateman write chick-lit and prairie romance with equal skill, no wonder she's a favorite of many.