I’m peeking out of the mound of paper piled upon my desk while I was gone.
A quick little list of what I learned on my trip follows.
Tomorrow brings a book review and info, and Friday will feature a requested poem about traffic. Start thinking about a traffic poem you can leave in the comment section. I’d love to see yours.
What I learned in Dallas…and Minneapolis
Sci-Fi/Fantasy authors sometimes have very vivid dreams at 5:00 a.m.
Waking to screaming/moaning at 5:00 a.m. pretty much guarantees you’re up for the day.
Michelle and I have a fan and, unless she changes her contact information to avoid us, she’ll buy our book someday.
If I eat or drink ANYTHING I will spill it.
Large starched linen dinner napkins make for great coverage, but cool points are forfeited.
Scanning the room for people you’d like to impress is a good idea before saying or doing something really stupid.
Texas revolving doors are tricky.
Chef hand-puppets are wonderful icebreakers though not so much where editors are concerned.
Comedy writing and hysterical laughter don’t always make for pleasant companions. Sometimes hysterical laughter is just a distraction especially when it’s focused on flying mints.
Klutziness is contagious.