Six Random Things About Me That Nobody Really Wants to Know.
According to this article anyway.
Oh Well. You've been warned.
1) I own a cat that thinks it's a small dog.
2) I don't get football. I live in Nebraska Cornhusker Country and I just don't get the game.
3) My kids are growing older at an alarming rate but I still feel eighteen.
4) I wrote a romance novel when my twenty-two-year-old was a baby. I typed it, edited it, revised it and threw it away. It was a spy romance set in Africa. I don't remember the plot. I do remember that it was b-a-d.
5) I teach fifth and sixth grade Sunday School. I have issues with following curriculum to the letter so we are being very creative. I do have a passion for them. I want to help them grow more fascinated with God instead of becoming inoculated against passion by spouting the top three Sunday School answers to get the questions right. In case you don't know the top three, here they are. 1) God 2) Jesus 3) Bible.
6) I really love my husband. Sometimes I'm amazed how much. Seriously, I think he's the greatest guy on the planet.
I don't get football either and I was a cheerleader!! I LOVED cheering, screaming and jumping up and down. But I wasn't quite sure what I was cheering for. I knew they made a touch down and scored. It was all the other things inbeteen. Needless to say I didn't cheer long!! :D
I think that 'curriculum' is a form of manufactured control just like doctrine. Doctrine comes from the study of God and His truth...they are easily boxed-up ideals that make us feel good, but that are not always correct. God is infinite; His love is infinite; His perfection and justice are literally defined as 'without limit.' It is interesting how we as humans can only truly describe God's immensity with a 'not.' So it is with a curriculum: it is a tool to help kids grapple with issues, but, unfortunately, it often becomes a autonomous monster. Thank you for honoring God with the way that you approach such tools, I love you for it. And those kids will truly grow because of it.
Ah, Jordanius,
You are truly a delight. Thank YOU for being such a blessing to me. When I kick myself for being oh so human, I look at you and know that God is in the business of miracles. Thanks for your encouragement and your love. You make me proud. And I know that you are honoring God with your own hunger and skills. Thanks for giving your heart.
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