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My Review:
I always feel a little nervous when I crack open a book written by someone I know, someone I've bantered and traded wise cracks with, and someone I really like as a person.
What if I don't like the book?
What will I say?
Fortunately, Sushi for One, will not leave me scrambling to be gentle yet truthful. Camy Tang is adorable, funny and sweet, and those qualities come through loud and clear in Sushi for One.
I love the cultural feel with unfamiliar language, customs, scents and tastes. I'm a big fan of Amy Tan and am currently reading Memoirs of a Geisha. Tang takes the culture and adds a sassy Americanized spin with Lex, her thirty-year-old heroine. Lex is obsessed with volleyball, and though I don't even come close to caring about that sport, I didn't get pulled away from the story or annoyed with the many references either. The Chick-Lit third person feel of the story created intimacy with Lex and made it easy to cheer her on.
Spiritually, Tang tossed in some very real-life situations exploring religion vs. authentic Christianity. The drama of dating dilemmas and Lex’s various girlfriends/cousins and the resulting relationships brought loads of "yuck" moments and chuckles. In the end, I felt certain that Lex was on the road to recovery in many different ways.
I recommend Sushi for One to those who love cultural reads, Chick-Lit, and light, fun humor packed with truth.
Thanks so much for the review! I'm so glad you liked it!
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