I feel like I should post something profound today. It is the last day of my first Vegan MoFo.
A year ago I couldn't even fathom going Vegan. Nine months ago I was dreading it. Seriously.
But I decided I could give up dairy for a month. One measly month. And now. Here I am, just finishing seven almost perfectly clean months of Vegan eating.
I'm sure this won't be my last Vegan Month of Food.
I feel like I should have a radical recipe to celebrate with. There is a dill potato soup in the crockpot ala Vegan with a Vengeance. But I can't give you her recipe. And the weekend saw us cleaning out the fridge and using up some things that needed to be eaten. Most of them were tasty. Like the Asian slaw soup which was a serendipitous creation that will probably never be repeated because the salad was so so and the recipe was tossed. I was happy that I could use up some non-Vegan items for a potluck, too.
I do have a few Vegan things to celebrate.
One. See my left-sided sidebar? The cool Featured Recipes thing. My recipes will all be posted there and you can click on it and see a whole page of recipes. Right now there are nine. But as I get time to convert, I'll be doing that.
Two. I found out that Isa Chandra Moskowitz (Vegan with a Vengeance) is coming to my neck of the woods next Saturday. How cool is that? Very!
Three. Even though it was 26 degrees this morning, the sun is shining and we are pushing 60. That has nothing to do with Vegan, but the dogs are currently lounging in the sun as it splashes across the entryway floor, and that kind of makes me happy. (Mostly cuz they aren't up in my bizness while I'm trying to type, and because they are cute.)
And yesterday was so nice we winterized the garden. My raspberry bushes are out of control. I think that means we are going to have a great harvest next year. Or they are alien mutants and are going to entomb us on Halloween night.
If you don't hear from me again, you can assume that the alien raspberries attacked. If you know Isa tell her not to be concerned. I will not be a creepy fan. I'll try not to be a creepy fan. I'm really normal. Tell her that. All of you who really know me are NOT allowed to comment unless it's nice. Not kidding.