
Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Serials and Scenarios - What Lies Within

Karen Ball's What Lies Within is on tour this week.
Scroll down for my review, click on the book cover to go to Amazon, visit Karen's website by clicking on her name. (Cool site) And be sure to come back Friday since Karen gave me great answers to the dregs questions.
My Review:
Karen Ball has taken a familiar historical, Biblical situation and tweaked into a very relevant story in 2007. Not only does it work, it doesn't feel even a bit dusty.

I'm impressed with the seamlessness of this third- in-the-series book. I do want to go back and grab the first two, not because I feel like I missed something, but because I'm sure the stories are equally compelling.

What Lies Within is full of conflict and challenge which makes it a speed read. Those who love to turn pages should check further into this story.

Pet lovers, you're in for a treat. Karen is an animal lover and it is very obvious in the true-to-life details of pet/human interaction.

Finally, there is a sweet love story that should get the romance lovers' hearts afluttering.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for Friday!! Your questions and Karen's's going to be fabulous!! Thanks Kelly!



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