
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Serials and Scenarios - The Gift of Simplicity Christmas Day 2 - W Brunstetter

On the second day of Christmas, my true love gave to me....

The Gift of Simplicity

God's Gift of Simplicity

by Wanda E. Brunstetter

The Amish people I write about celebrate Christmas in a much simpler way than most of us do. There are no Christmas trees or colored lights in their homes. The gifts they give one another are simple and functional, not elaborate or expensive. Their emphasis at Christmas is on the birth of Jesus and the love they feel for God, family, and friends. Anyone can give the gift of simplicity, and it can be given any time of the year. A smile, a hug, a listening ear. . .these are the gifts of simplicity.

Wanda E. Brunstetter is the author of many Amish themed books including the latest A Sister's Secret (Barbour Books, 2007) , the first installation in the Sisters of Holmes County series. Watch for the second installment, A Sister's Test, in January 2008. For more information visit

Kelly's Comments:

After sighing wistfully over both the lovely picture and Wanda’s profound message – I laughed.

I tend to collect. My aunt gave me a beautiful glass jar one year for some occasion. It had a cool wire handle and bright red metal lid and on the outside of the jar someone had opaqued a section of the glass with a soothing cream and painted, in bold script, the word “Simplify.”

I cleared off a section of table space, set the jar in the middle of it and sighed at the peace that surrounded me at the stark yet elegant beauty.

Shortly after that, the jar disappeared under a mound of the debris of daily living.

It was nice while it lasted, though.

I think that’s why I love candles so much. I can pretend the dark shapes that surround them are simply shadows instead of stuff.

Wishing all of you a simple Christmas – full of blessing and wonder.


  1. I'm not sure it's actually possible for us creative types to keep anything simple! Not me. Nope. I like the idea of it though. I like that magazine called Simple Life or whatever it is. I have a Simplicity sewing maching. Getting saved was probably they only simple thing I've ever done. And of course I've made THAT more complicated than it's supposed to be!


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