
Monday, June 26, 2017

Serials and Scenarios ~ Latest Reviews

I know. I took a break from blogging last week. Not on purpose, just that I didn't have much to share. My job required some training and my brain is spinning with new to-dos and future duty details and the unknown of exactly what my job is at the moment. Two locations or three? Multiple hats. And no control. Yes. Is it any wonder I couldn't come up with anything to share? 

But after signing onto Amazon I found three reviews that made me smile. So I'm sharing them. Nothing like someone getting us to add a happy sigh to my day. And equally exciting was my Saturday. I cleaned, and I filled a couple of bags with stuff that's outta here and mended/hemmed a pile of clothes that have been bugging me including scrub pants that I have to wear everyday and no longer have to roll up.  Happy sigh. I hope your weekend was as great as mine! 

on June 23, 2017
There are so many things to like about this story: memorable characters getting into crazy situations, humor that makes you giggle out loud, plenty of red herrings to keep the reader guessing and a touch of romance. Good, clean fun wrapped up in a setting that is unique. I love the way Zula's wobbly high heels were always clipping on the concrete and her interest in fake foliage never flagged. Fern was a no nonsense delight with her practical streak gentled by her tender feelings for Philippe and her utter impatience with Fifi was a crack up. These two ladies aren't letting advanced age keep them from solving the biggest mystery to hit their retirement community yet!
I am a Zu-Fer fan, for sure.
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on June 15, 2017
Out of the Frying Pan by Michelle Griep & Kelly Klepfer is a delightful book centered around a retirement community in Florida. I could see myself as a combination of a couple of the character and at times, laughed out loud at their conversation or antics and would have to explain myself to my husband. The two main characters, Fern and Zula Hopkins, are sisters-in-law living together and are as different as night and day. Fern, the more serious, seems to be a grouchy bear while Zula, the frilly one, dotes on her puppy and beautifying the world with her attire, makeup, and artificial flowers. Fern and Zula do have one thing in common, both are snoopers. When they run across the dead cook of the retirement village who has been murdered, the perfect opportunity for snooping arrives. Good looking Detective Jared Flynn arrives on the scene, and the ladies also develop a plot to connect him with their niece, KC. Unbeknown to them, Jared and KC have already met thru a dating website. The book twists and turns thru the adventures of the two elderly ladies thru a world of drugs, murder, and romance. If you want to read an enjoyable book where the characters are zany and funny, you will want to buy this novel. The characters and plot will not disappoint you. I received a copy from the author and publisher of The Book Club Network in exchange for an honest review.
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on June 1, 2017
This is a clean, entertaining mystery with a lot of quirky characters. The main characters you will meet are KC and her two hysterical aunts who try to help Detective Flynn solve a murder.
I loved this book and would read more from this author.
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