
Thursday, December 29, 2016

Serials and Scenarios ~ Slacker

Slacker seems so harsh. Maybe not slacker. I've been busy living life. By living life I'm saying that there are precious little ones that kind of need me right now. I've been coming home to a round faced little blonde boy who lights up when I walk in the door. And more often than not a newborn shows up for a visit. Yes, my daughter has a foster newborn. Join us in prayer that he becomes a permanent fixture. It would be best. (Hence the face covered picture. No babies were harmed in the gentle love patting session!) 

The computer is getting lots of down time. 

However, my friend Nora has interviewed me and is running one last Out of the Frying Pan book giveaway for the year. Please visit her, here. And please have a safe and fabulous new year weekend! 

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