
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ A New Blog in Town

Out of the Frying Pan comes out in mere weeks. 

Holy MOLY!!!!!! I'm not feeling prepared to be a published author. This whole thing from start to finish is quite a bit of work and requires lots of stepping outside the ol comfort zone. 

Our main characters Fern and Zula have started a blog. Today is the first post. 

I'd love for you to stop by. Zu-fer And you will discover you indeed get a lot more than what you bargained for. 

Like I mentioned a few weeks ago, I'll be promoting lots of links in the next several months as we put ourselves out there to promote this novel. 

Can I just say I hope you will love Fern and Zula as much as we do. These are some ladies. And if it's okay we'll just use social media to promote them since we don't have a spider who can do amazing things with a web. 

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