
Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Kidstory

X-ta asked me in yesterday's comment what I should be called now. 

Well, I have a story. 

After the adoption was final, when the children were invited by the judge to bang the gavel, and the clapping of the 60+ onlookers died down, Daniel came up to me and said, "Kelly!"

I said, "Hey, I'm your forever grandma now. You can't call me Kelly anymore. So how about grandma?" 

He made a face. He's good at those. "Nah!"

"I heard the French word for grandma is ma mere how about that one?"

He shook his head rapidly. I tried again, "Nana?" 

A head tilt and frown. "So what would you like to call me?" I finally asked.

A huge grin replaced the frown. "Poo Poo" 

"You want to call me Poo Poo?" 

His little sister joined him. They both nodded enthusiastically. 

So, X-ta. You can call me Poo Poo! 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 AM

    POO POO!!! NOO NOO! LOL! My mom made the big boys call her Grand after they became mine. They did not want to but their only other alternative was GrandMOMMY, which the current three littles must call her, along with my 25 year old nephew. HAHAHAHA. So let little Daniel know it could be POO POO MOMMY! Or hey!~ You could be Grand Poo Poo!


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