
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Word...

As in there are so many whirling through my mind that I'm not sure I should just reach in and grab a few. Sense would not be made. Some of them might be inappropriate for family reading. (Who am I kidding, probably most of them would be.) 

It's my dad's birthday today. That's a family appropriate thought. Even though his nickname amongst us for awhile was Elder Bleep. 

You know how you can just take for granted solid people? My dad has always been there for me. The older I get the more I appreciate my parents and the love and foundation they have poured into me. 

Few too many times said, few too many passed opportunities to show it, but thank you and I love you, Dad. 


  1. Patrick Griffith9:01 AM

    Elder Emeritus Bleep treasures your remarks. Maybe a more descriptive verb for "pouring" would be "cramming," but we loved every moment of the ongoing process.
    Love, Dad


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