
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Vegan Mofo No Recipe Here, Folks, Just Keep On Moving On...

Oops. This Vegan Mofo post should include a recipe. But, here's the deal. I'm painting my upstairs. And I am sorely in need of a trip to the grocery store. And I cooked over the weekend. A lot. But most of what I cooked was testing recipes from a new-to-be-published cookbook, so I can't post any of those. I could, I suppose, but the authors just might have an issue with that. Plus we have leftovers, so we aren't feeling any pressure to throw together anything creative just to get by. I guess this is proof that you can live quite well on vegan food, even if the vegan food in the house is limited. Let's call it a test to prove, that indeed, there is enough nutrition in veggies, legumes, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds to survive quite nicely.  So now I owe you three recipes. Oh my. 

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