
Monday, June 10, 2013

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Weekend Shenanigans...and Stuff

Every year we have a large five block art fair where folks from all over the country line the streets of downtown Omaha with their fine art offerings. 

We attend most years. The fair was this weekend. And this put it succinctly...stunk. 

Our plans were to hit the farmer's market then walk over to the event. Several of us started out with coffee and headed on over to meet the others. And then it began to rain. We ducked into tents to avoid some of the water. And then it began to pour. 

Since Rob wasn't keen on wet feet, or rivulets coursing down his back, and Toad Boy and the Mrs were neutral, I hitched a ride home with Rob and skipped it. However, I had already entered drowned rat territory. And we decided to make a quick stop at Hobby Lobby to find more frames to finish our picture wall. I got a few looks when we walked in, me looking like I'd fallen overboard. 

I think Feral thought the confusing black dots were bugs. Yep. They kinda resemble bugs. 
I feel really sorry for the artists. That's gotta be a costly loss for them. Sunday wasn't much better, finally clearing off at about 4:00 p.m.  

The rain brought some other interesting things. I discovered a robin nest on the light. Good thing we don't use that one very often. And a cat showed up out of nowhere and decided to camp out on our front porch during the two day deluge. It's a friendly little bugger and, of course, we did the one thing you are never supposed to do with an animal....we fed it...and set out a warm, dry towel in a basket for sleeping comfort. Sigh. 

This is our travels window. I love the screen. We've got collages and picture art from New Mexico, Wyoming, Montana and Seattle/Portland. 

one more large frame and it'll be done.

one of the frames full of fun memories.

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