
Friday, April 05, 2013

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ a Teaser

I'm a little snobby about bananas. 

The texture and peel color have to be just right for me to crack one open and scarf it. 

Just a shade too ripe and the whole experience is ruined for me. 

I also hate banana flavoring. 

Last night, & invited Rob and I to her apartment for supper. Yum. I think this needs to be a weekly occurrence.

For dessert she decided to whip up a version of McFosters celestial banana and serve it over ice cream. 

See the top few statements. Meh. I thought. 

Oh my! She tossed some Earth Balance into a hot pan. Chunked some bananas  and threw them in. Sprinkled brown sugar over them and Vietnamese cinnamon over that. And cooked it until the sugar and Earth Balance formed a caramel. 

Needless to say, I'll have an exact recipe very soon. Right now, I'm planning to whip up a banana brunch cake with caramelized banana topping. Hello!

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