
Monday, November 19, 2012

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Weekend Eats ~

Another busy weekend. We had an out-of-town drive-by visit from friends. One of &'s best friends, her husband and new baby. :  ). The 15 hour visit was quick but included food. Neither of them is Vegan and baby is still on the breast so feeding them caused a little concern....

& made sweet potato chili. I put together Monster Cookie Bars. (this recipe in bar form baked in a 9 x 13 for approx 23 Minutes and with the addition of Vegan candy coated chocolates.)

I also found a recipe for non-Vegan Oreo cookie truffles that are baked. Trouble is, I can't find the link to give credit. However, I did change ingredients and turn it into bars and it's almost printable. A tweak and trial and I'll get it posted. I used coconut oil for butter and they were a bit too coconutty for my taste. I'll tweak again and decrease the fat a bit as well.  Pretty sure my Thanksgiving peeps will be guinea pigs.

And & found this recipe for baked French Toast. She decreased the Vegan butter by 1/3 - 1 stick instead of 3. There was a decrease in sugar, too, and we sprinkled sugar and cinnamon on top and baked it in two smaller pans so each piece was crunchy on top Everything else the same. Delish. Even thought the picture of the pre baked batch looks a lot like chicken. UGH.

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