
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Scraps and Snippets ~ Sinai Chop Salad

Sinai Chop Salad
Ingredients are cut into bite sized pieces so every bite has a little of everything.
One can of garbanzo beans (chickpeas) (If you have dried around, make your own. A can = about 1 and 2/3 cup cooked beans.)
Three heads of Romaine lettuce washed and chopped
Two cucumbers. Remove most of the skin but leave just a bit for color and chop into bite sized pieces.
Four small dill pickles (chopped)
Purple onion ½ to a whole onion, depending on size and your preference (small chopped)
Four to six tomatoes (chopped)

Dressing: (Make this at least the day before so all the flavors marry)
2 TBSP tahini (Sesame seed paste with a very distinct flavor should be in internal section of the store.) (If this scares you, or you don't want a jar of tahini in your fridge you can use hummus)
4 TBSP Apple Cider Vinegar (may need more or some water to get to consistency you'd like)
1 teaspoons oregano (dried) or equivalent in fresh
1 teaspoon dill (dried) or equivalent in fresh
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon sea salt.

Toss all the salad ingredients into a big bowl.
Drizzle dressing over salad. Serve with pitas. Feel free to toss chunked falafels into the mix, too.

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