
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Well, Mr. Darcy, I Nevah...

Farm day was perfect. 78 degrees, sun, breeze and lots of help. 

Toad Boy was at our house building a bunnie palace and & and I got to the farm a bit later than usual. All the lettuce was done. I can't tell you how nice that was. I've been the chief lettuce washer for the past couple of weeks and that is a job that is tedious. 

We have two interns who are now helping. One has been with us for a couple of weeks and she brought a friend along. They are both in the horticulture program at a local community college. And they seem to love what they are learning and doing. 

More hands makes quicker work and for fun conversations. We ended up getting home in record time. Toad Boy was still hard at work on the palace. We had our delicious Kale and sesame/onion/rice vinegar warm salad and a farm fresh lettuce salad. 

A good day was had by all. Except a few deceased-by-force worms. (Oh, and Elizabeth Bennett Bunny was violated a bit. Seems Mr. Darcy's cuteness fooled & into thinking he'd be a gentleman if she removed the divider between them. Uh. Not so much. He was no gentleman. I even suggested that she change his name to Mr. Wickham. We will cut a hole and add a mesh so they can communicate. I'm pretty sure Elizabeth Bennett Bunny prefers her communication to be longing glances and nose rubs verses the reception she received upon her last visit with Mr. Darcy.)

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