
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Scraps and Snippets ~ Crafty Wafty Part 1

X-ta sent me a nice email reminding me to post about the crafts & and I made for Christmas gifts. Actually, the email wasn't really all that nice. It basically called me rotten for holding out and not sharing what I said I'd share, blah, blah, blah.

So happens I can't share mine yet because there is one person on my list who reads this blog and has not become the recipient of her gift.

However, to clear my name and reputation, and because she made cute stuff, I'll post &'s craft gifts now.

The little orange owl...a toilet paper tube, crunched in on itself so it has owl ears, covered in burlap and modge podged to keep the fray away ended up darn cute. She drew feathers and faces with a Sharpie.

The glass jar. A repurposed canning jar (including a used lid which was spray painted, drilled and glued)becomes a super cute soap dispenser.

Finally, she made colorful/FUN aprons. A tea towel turned lengthwise...whatever decor she felt like. Scraps of fabric, a pocket, ribbons, a coordinating fabric, a smaller towel... The waistband is seam binding or ribbon.


  1. Anonymous5:59 AM

    ADORABLE!!!!! These are way too cute! I thank you. Now I feel fulfilled.

  2. Whew!!! She did a great job. I was very impressed with her output and her creativity.


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