
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Some Menus and Links

The rhubarb, waiting to be encased in pastry.

Some of the blogs we frequent for inspiration and the "what in the world do we do with ________?" moments.

We've visited each of these and found at least one recipe we decided to make and hang onto. Not that everything is going to be to account for tastebud differences. But these sites are generous with recipes and some of the pictures are beautiful.

Vegan Yum Yum
Fat Free Vegan
Made Just Right

And here are some blogs we haven't done much but visit, some of what I see intrigues me.
Bittersweet Blog
Loves Veggies and Yoga
Your Vegan Mom

These are a few of our meals...

Potato Casserole
Salad w/ leafy lettuce, whatever veggies, fruit or nuts you like and w/ dressing of choice.
Almond Milk or Green Tea

Vegan Naan Pizza (Scroll down a bit. And use soy yogurt instead of reg...makes it vegan ).
Tomato Sauce...( scroll down)
Veggies: chopped olives, onion, garlic, peppers, eggplant, squash, mushrooms etc.
Add quinoa or brown rice if you want a little extra body/texture/protein.
Sprinkle with Daiya cheese.

I have a huge two burner griddle. I roll out a flat piece of naan and cook it on the stove top til it bubbles, then slide it under the broiler til it bubbles more. Then I add the sauce and veggies. Broil again. Add the cheese and broil til it bubbles.

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