
Thursday, April 07, 2011

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Thirty Day Vegan...Day 7

Okay meatloaf fans. Here's the scoop.

I looked at seven different "meat"loaf recipes. There was something I didn't like in each of them so I combined the best each had to offer in measurements that seemed to be consistent. Here's what I came up with. And the parenthesis will be things I'll be changing in my next batch and why.


1 Cup Black Beans (or half a can, mostly drained)
1/2 Cup Mushrooms
1 Carrot. (Next Time: I will chop the tip off and dice in tiny bits, then toss the remainder in the processor)
3 Garlic Cloves (Next Time: 4)
1 Cup Brown Rice (also Next Time, I will add an additional 1/3 cup rice)
1 tsp soy sauce or Br
agg's Liquid Aminos (Next Time: 2 tsp)
1 TBSP Lemon Juice
1/3 tsp dried celery
1/2 tsp salt (Next Time 1 tsp)
3 TBSP chopped onion (Next Time: 4 TBSP)
2 TBSP ground flax seed, in 1 cup of water, let sit for 10 minutes. (Next Time I will use 1 Cup of salsa or 1 Cup of pasta sauce).(This is a binder and replaces eggs)
2 TBSP of sun dried tomatoes (Next Time: 3 TBSP or Kalamata olives).
1/4 Cup favorite nuts

Blend in a bl
ender or food processor but not too much. A few whirs will do.
Add 1 tsp dried parsley (Next Time Cilantro if using salsa, or Italian seasoning if I use pasta sauce.)
Add the additional 1/3 cup rice
And 1 Cup Old-Fashioned oatmeal (1/4 additional Oatmeal)
And add the carrot bits.

Grease a loaf pan. Place the contents in the pan. Bake at 350 for approx 45 minutes.

The texture of my trial loaf was a little too blended. I think the additional rice, oatmeal and carrot bits, and a lighter blending touch will help.
The taste was pretty bland. Goodish, but bland. So I will increase the flavor quotient. It was pretty easy. Lots of ingredients. But once I am satisfied with the results it will be easier to throw together.

And, Kim, I so didn't take any comments of yours as snarky. I know I tend toward crazy. And this is the new crazy trip we have embarked upon. Glad you are enjoying the ride. And who knows, you may develop a hankering for Booger Tea. wink. wink.


  1. Pray tell....what is "Booger Tea"...I lean towards the crazy too. I might like! :) Your "meat"loaf looked excellent!

  2. your meat loaf...what shall I say....uuuggghhh!!!maybe tasting is believing...cause reading didn't work :(

  3. e.m.b. Booger Tea is what Kim called my Kombucha. And, girl, I'll share my Mother. She's getting huge.

    And EER. Have faith. I'll get it meatloafy if it's the last thing I do.

  4. Ah! The Scooby! Yes....looks like a booger. I agree. But, a very tasty looking booger. Well, next time I'm back home, maybe I'll take you up on the part-of-the-mother offer!

  5. Hmmm. As long as it's legal to transport mother over state lines. Maybe I should look into that. : ). Hate to have you get pulled over transporting a huge alien booger without the proper paper work. : ).

    My mother is your mother. And I found a website that told me that I can trick "milk" kefir grains to act like water kefir grains. There is a new experiment on my counter as we speak. So I can give you bottles of all sorts of nasty looking things.


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