
Monday, December 27, 2010

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ May You Find Your Own Golden Hand

Hope you had a fabulous Christmas. We finished up tonight. One last big meal. One more night-of-everything-pizza-type of dreams, no doubt.

But also another night of talking and laughing with family.

24, Rob and I were able to share our favorite Scripture passages about Jesus with each other. I took some of my own advice and wrote notes to everyone near and dear to me.

And other gifts were, for the most part, low-key and meaningful. We gifted some homemade stuff like laundry soap in recycled glass bottles. Toad-Boy, Mrs. Toad-Boy, 24 and Rob and I decided to avoid gifts and to use that money to do a few things together that we normally wouldn't do as our gift to each other. We did get gift certificates for flooring. I will be sure to post a picture when that bad boy is installed with a big thank you to parents and grandma!

We did do stocking stuff. 24 got Rob a golden hand back scratcher. This trinket is the hit of the moment. It is used for far more than scratching backs for sure. It has been used as a hook to annoy family members, dogs and cats. It has become a pointer to make sure someone gets a very important piece of information. Game pieces have been moved by it, both for convenience and for annoyance. It has been used as a "fake" hand and tucked into sleeves. Overall, it might be the best $5.00 spent for Christmas gifting.

Let the New Year fun and festivities grind into gear.


  1. My Christmas WAS fabulous...just really darned enjoyable...and not "materially".

    Those $5 stocking stuffers are always the greatest. I wasn't "home" this year, but I guess the bang of the Family Gathering was my dad's present to one of my cousins: "Handerpants"...

    Seriously strange.

    Your writing always brings such good reminders, Kelly, of what matters...

    You know, I think 2011 is going to be a really good year.

  2. Bryan and I decided not to exchange gifts too. Just a few little free/goodwill/garage sale items:-)for festive fun together. The best item was 20 6" tall cutouts of Bryan holding different messages hidden throughout the house to surprise me and make me smile. It worked plus the effort to cut them out with his hurt thumb proved all the more how much he loved me. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time celebrating New Year's Eve together. Bryan and I will be celebrating with Erin in the mountains:-)

  3. handerpants. HA. And I hope you all have a terrific new year celebration together. Give each other a hug from me. : )

    Thanks for sharing, Ladies. Love Bryan's creative idea.


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