
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Toad-Man's B-Day

Happy Birthday, Toad-Boy.

We could have named you after your grandfather Patrick since you were born on St. Patrick's day. I blame the lack of drugs before and during delivery on that little oversight.

We did score the sweet combination of doctors. Drs. Green and Bean, thank you very much.

Being the first-born you were the practice child and I apologize and thank you for not sending us the summons, the server or the bill for extensive psychological help.

We are very proud to call you our son. Thanks for blessing me for twenty-something years....oooh those numbers get a little scary, Son. Trust me on that.


  1. Thanks, Mom. It's good being your son and I don't mind being the one that blazed a trail through your "parenting purgatory" for my younger, less adept siblings.

  2. Ahhh. How nice. Thanks. You are so generous. I love you. How nice of you to hang out at the blog for awhile.


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