
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ Sighlent Night

This month is whipping by at a speed faster than light...Whoa! What was that? Another day? Seriously? It's the 15th. Christmas Eve at my house in 9 days. YIKES! And 5 days after that we have 4 house guests for 5 days. YIKES!! (Say that really fast a few times. : )

I just, like the day before yesterday, changed my summer comforter and bed stuff for the warm, brown and flannel winter wear. My closet is clean....but Christmas presents are tucked in various and assorted crannies of two different rooms.

Rob has plans to do some serious house projects on his break beginning late afternoon on the 23rd...the day before our Christmas Eve. I am so not going to do or say anything that gets in his way. I may serve soup by candlelight so as to hide the dust. And all those coming are near and dear ones who love us, come to see us, not necessarily the house, though they all celebrate progress.

23 and I have decided to get rid of all the baking ingredients we have including red and green sugar. Oy.

The snow has been falling on and off and the temperature is hovering in the teens, sometimes positive and sometimes negative. So after work, with icy shivers I exited my toasty car and rushed across the icy gray chunky parking lot and I picked up some more items to make that goal possible and hauled them home. 23 had the little ones so with the help of the 2-year-old we melted, dipped, sprinkled, baked and used up some items that needed to be outta here.

And now. Now I sit in my cozy living room looking at things that need to be done and knowing that there will be a scramble to do it. But, the dogs are wrestling and playing near my feet and 23 is reading Christmas books out loud deciding which one she'll read to her class of 5th and 6th graders tomorrow night. And. I know that Christmas doesn't have to be stressful. I'm finishing up this post, closing my computer and then going to sigh off some stress, curl up with a now quiet dog and listen to a story.


  1. I love your Scribbles and Scrambles! That's just the feel I get when I come to visit here...sometimes a scribble, sometimes a scramble.

    Sounds COLD amid the lot right now! BRRR!! We're still enjoying mid to upper 50's here in Alabama! We hover around freezing in the evenings, but that's about it.

    Enjoy your precious family Kelly! I'm looking forward to blogging with you in 2010!

  2. Aw, Kim. I love you, too. EVEN if you insist on sharing your temperature with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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