
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~Shopping Scenes...Warning....

My friend Kim says I'm eclectic. My friend Michelle says I'm a freak. They probably mean the same thing and I'm taking both as a compliment.

Here are a few scenes from Saturday's shopping marathon.

Notice the adorable kerchief-headed ninnie-muffin. These photos were the alternating views in my rearview mirror.

And let's just say a van containing five females who happen to find kerchief-headed ninnie-muffin hilarious is not a quiet van.

The cup-on-the-head incident pales in comparison to the delirious scarf dance at the store that directly followed the cup-head factory.


  1. Oh, Fine. I see you were holding out on me. You saved the really funny and cute pictures for your blog. Ha! Ha! They are great!!

    Thanks for giving me the ones with your daughter and the dogs. It's fun!!

    Blessings to you girl!!

  2. Anonymous4:42 AM

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  3. Kelly,
    Next time you go shopping, I want to go!! TOO much fun!! I can hear the laughter all the way in Alabama!

    By the way, Miriam-Webster's definition of eclectic is:
    * Main Entry: 1eclec·tic
    * Pronunciation: \e-ˈklek-tik, i-\
    * Function: adjective
    * Etymology: Greek eklektikos, from eklegein to select, from ex- out + legein to gather — more at legend
    * Date: 1683

    1 : selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles
    2 : composed of elements drawn from various sources; also

    Even the etymological background of this word defines you, Kelly! You select the best of life, the fun, the beautiful, the meaningful and LIVE for the glory of God! You are a combination of all things beautiful in the life of a born again child of the KING! Eclectic, yes, that's you!


  4. Hey...this brings back memories. Melonie and I, at one time, had a company called "Eclectic Endevours" We had it "Inc" and everything (yes, a real lawyer was involved). The setup busted on account of my schedule...but having you with a cup on your head is just as good, if not better.EER

  5. Thanks, Ladies. I'm feelin the love. And if it ain't love, don't tell me cause you DON'T want to burst my happy little world bubble. : )


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