
Thursday, July 16, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~More Random Scenes from Iowa

Creaky and crooked little bridge we crossed on our two mile walk. Perfect night for a stroll. Nice breeze. Low humidity and great scenery.

I'm reading a book I hope to post and review tomorrow. So far, very good, but I want to finish it.

Lily gets her turn in the "bathtub." Can you tell she really LOVES bath time


  1. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Ummm Kelly,
    You need grandchildren.
    If your children aren't complying I would by happy to donate some of my spawn for your use.

  2. Oh MAN....! I LOVE bridges!! That is a fabulous site! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thank you, nice Kim.

    XTA. I will pass based only upon the pox and whatever else you might be growing within spawnville.

    However, since you are obviously annoyed/bored with dog pictures and my lameish posts of late....I spent hours yesterday hunched over and pursuing a hobby type activity and didn't take a SINGLE picture of a dog. But I'll post pictures of what I made. : )..


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