
Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ The Path That The State Built

Ode to Sultry Summer Walks on Delightful Walking Paths.

Recite with the cadence of The House That Jack Built. If you don't know what I'm talkin about or smokin then just move on, it only goes downhill from here.

This is the path that the state built...

There are concrete and concrete blend products in Iowa...on and near the path that the state built.

The sunlight on the path that the state built makes for lovely walks.

The dogs, Lily blue, Lola pink, on the grass that the state planted make use of said grass for unmentionable purposes.

The sights and smells and sounds on the path that the state built are mostly pleasant...birds singing, wildflowers blooming, traffic humming, grass growing. Unless an unmentionable thing left near the path or on the grass that the state built and/or planted rides in a recycled plastic bag dangling at my side.

Hope you enjoyed your guided tour of the path that the state built.


  1. THANK YOU KELLLLIIIIII!!!! I am no longer worried about any of my prior posted comments.(Nor will I be for any future ones). I NOW KNOW YOU CAN KEEP UP WITH THE BEST OF US!!! - Than again , maybe you were just feeling sorry for me and tried to to make me feel better.I LUV U ALL THE SAME. Im smiling all the way..Thank UUUU!!! EER

  2. OK Now Isee why you have your dogs. They keep you safe as you walk these BEAUTIFUL parks. I've been walking with my son, but they don't look as beautiful as the one you have pictured. You go girl!!

    LOVE the dogs atire!! Ha!Ha!

    Nora :D


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