
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Technical Difficulties.

Picture this...a computer that gets much use suddenly the battery begins the decline until finally the warning flashes..."4 % of the battery left, either charge the battery or shut down will occur risking the work you've been so diligently doing." Or something like that.

As is the regular thing to do, you plug in the computer expecting to see the little icon change to a happy plug vs the dry battery. But nothing happens. Nothing. You try another outlet. You wriggle the connections. You frantically try yet another outlet.

The computer blacks out.

This is why there is no picture with my post today. I'm borrowing a computer to blog. Sad, sad, sad.

I am under warranty and we'll see how that pans out. In the meantime I'll be doing my best to keep posting.


  1. Come over anytime. There are 3 here.

  2. Anonymous8:06 AM

    My suggestion: smash the dang computer into sharp shardes. Take the pieces and carve your thoughts into cave walls. A modern twist on prehistoric blogging. Use the blood from your hands to add a bit of color to the wall carvings.
    Finding a cave should be as easy as working with technology.
    your friend forever,

  3. Anonymous3:40 PM

    OHHH NOOO I just typed the longest BESTEST comment- to get these books and then the computer (or me) malfunctioned and it got wiped out before it got published. It was "THE QUEEN" of lame comments...
    Ok I'll tell you when I see you next. LOL. EER

  4. Thanks for all the condolences and wonderful suggestions. Xta. I may give yours a shot. I'll let you know how it goes. Or maybe I should film it via the Survivor Guy or whatever his name is. Hopefully there will not be any snakes or physical injury, but I'm willing to risk if for all my faithful hecklers aka readers. : )


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