
Thursday, May 21, 2009

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Patience

Birdie sent me this picture. She couldn't resist after enjoying a laugh while contemplating cat yodeling.

The look on this feline face is very similiar to the one I sport while pressing my nose against the glass door, patiently waiting for the UPS driver to arrive bearing my new computer juice.

Let's hope I'm connected soon. Otherwise I might scare the UPS man away. He is already a little iffy after his Lily/Lola encounter.

1 comment:

  1. *L*!!! I was scrolling through my reader list when I saw this pic & thought hey! I know that cat!! *hee hee* I hope you get some "juice" today!
    btw, your word verification thingy is "nessesiv" Sounds like a new word to me. Maybe describing the look on kitty's face.


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