
Thursday, May 07, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ A Stroll After the Rain.

I left work at noonish and went to lunch with a few of my favorite peeps.

Our city has co-constructed a pedestrian bridge that spans our river and connects to the shore of the neighboring state. We decided to take a stroll. Pat and his Blackberry were in attendance.

Not sure why I'm leaning quite so much in the Pat prop picture, but I was. (I only drank water at the restaurant...just in case any of you are going there.)

You may notice that laughing looked like the emotion of the moment. That's because 22 had just told us that to take a flattering picture you tilt your chin up slightly and turn a bit to the side. And to make sure you never have a forced smile, you laugh right before the picture is snapped.

We had fun with that little morsel of information.


  1. I'm going to take 22's advice. Slanting is good!! LOVE the pictures of the bridge!! Wow!! How long have they been working on that. Years I guess???

    They have been working on roads by us for years can't imagine how long a bridge like that takes.


    Nora :D

  2. My firewall is down!! I can comment again!! Yahoo!! That bridge looks dreamy! Sounds like a fun time even though it looks like you were about to fall over in that one picture!

  3. Only a year or so, Nora. It's VERY cool.

    Apparently height affects me after all, Kim. Good thing I gots me a big, strong Daddy to lean on. Of course, if he thought no one would be injured he'd drop me in a heartbeat. We do love the physical humor in our fam. Glad you were able to sneak out and comment. : )


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