
Monday, May 11, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ Cat Yodeling How-to

I can't help it. These guys make me laugh. And this is a good Monday to do a lot of laughing. (Minor flood at the office, crabby folks, awkward phone conversation, and a vast pile of paper work to greet me on my desk.)

This video picks up after a slower beginning. If you like the Engineer's Guide to Cats video then you'll like this one. If you didn't take a pass.


  1. HAVE MERCY girl that was SO hilarious! I can hardly take it. We were crackin' UP!!! *L*

  2. I KNOW!!!!! And weird that you had cats on leashes on your blog. Do you suppose they were yodeling like crazy? hehehehe

  3. I'm back for more cat yodeling *L* You know, I don't think those cats yodeled. They looked entirely repressed, sort of like their owners *S* They needed a few woman-less engineers I think. Did you watch the jet one they did? *sigh* I wonder what their mothers think. I don't think they'd get a date if they tried but that guy's got a great sense of humor when it comes to making videos! I about roled when that asian guy said "i can't get my cat yodel" and it was a dog. Ahh, brings a tear to me eye...


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