
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ A Little Bit O' Fun

A quick, little Wednesday pick-me up.

My mom and I have always talked about the crazy-fun idea of bursting into song and dance in a shopping mall. I think talent may be the only thing holding us back. That and fear of severe injury.


  1. Kelli, this is awesome. How did you find it?


  2. I love stuff like this. My aunt sent me the link. You never know what you'll run into on YouTube...: )

  3. They showed this at church the other week. IT WAS GREAT!! Yes, I want to do this too. Of course I would LOVE to know the dance moves BEFORE so I could keep up. But WOW!! I can't imagine this all happening. WAY COOL!!

  4. OH, The whole point of they showing it at church was to say, how it only takes a few people to affect the world around us. Once we start to shine the light and are contagious - others around us want to join in like in the clip.

    Nora :D


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