
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Scribble and Scrambles ~ Rubbing in the Balmy

This photo was taken by my parents who happen to be visiting a balmy beach.

I'm not bitter, but I'm freezing. Today, the high was 16 degrees in Iowa. Apparently they experienced 77. I would post the photo of mom, on the beach, sunbathing, but I actually want to live a little longer.

In my parents' defense, they did mention in their e-mails that there was room for one more bird-brain to hang out with the herons and palm fronds. They even included an empty chaise lounge in the sunbathing picture with mention that it was all mine if I wanted it.

I know they are having a great time and they deserve to bask up the rays and relaxation and balmy temps. (Just wear that sunscreen, Mom.) Here's hoping they don't land during a snow storm.


  1. Brrrrr! 16? It's been in the upper 70's here in Alabama for days. We do have some rain coming in, but the temps will only drop to the 60's. Sister, you need to move south!!

  2. Yeah, Kim. But there are way more scary snakes in the south. Ours are mostly "harmless" and spend much of year hidden from view.

    And tomorrow is supposed to be fabulous.


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