
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

More, More Favorite Things....

Okay. I'm DONE with Elf scenes. But I had to include the taxi, and voila, this one has it.


  1. "Buddy the elf! What's your favorite color?!?" *hee hee*
    That taxi scene is hands down my man's fave. He always pauses it and runs it back.
    I love that movie. In fact, I'm in Love! I'm in Love! And I don't care who knows it! *snort*
    I don't know how he kept a straight face acting so weird. It must come naturally.
    My favorite scene was the "You're not the real Santa" scene with teh beef & cheese and him screaming "he's a fake!" and the beard ripping *sigh* Its ginormously hilarious!
    What I always want to ask them is, why is secretary is de-clawing kittens?

  2. I know. The taxi scene,rewind, watch, laugh, repeat. Then when he says, "Watch the yellow ones, they don't stop."

    And the escalator is right up there for me.

    I watched it the other evening and laughed from the second he hugged the raccoon until he tackled fake santa who sat on a throne of lies. tee hee. Then I think someone shut the movie off so they could get some sleep.

    But I hadn't noticed the kitten declawing conversation until right then...unless she collected kittens and couldn't afford to pay for the operation? It is a little weird. The rangers after Santa were a little out there, too. But. Sigh, I don't even care since so much of it is, and I quote, "ginormously hilarious." Laughing is my favorite. : )


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