
Friday, November 14, 2008

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Apology from a Bad, Bad Blogger

Bad blogger checking in. Sorry for the sporadic and light posting this week.

I'm sure none of you have lost sleep over it...but I still feel bad.

I'd like to reward you with the promise that once I get my act together I'll be back in full force. (Notice I didn't put a time frame on that!)

In the meantime. Here are some autumn scenes for your perusal.

1 comment:

  1. gorgeous pics, gorgeous new digs for the dregs too!!! I'm uber impressed. I love saying that..."uber"...'bout as much as I like to do sir quotes *kidding* anyhoo I miss you! I've been so bad about posting too. I did post today finally. Miss you!!! love ya!!


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