
Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ This Does NOT Happen at My House.

Suppose this guy gives lessons? Maybe he drinks chamomile tea and the puppies respond to the essence on his breath.

Pet bedtime at our house? Hmmm. 21 lays out the "puppy" beds and bids them good night. After a few minutes of wrestling they do fall asleep. Nervous Nellie, the cat that only leaves the upstairs when in dire need of food, drink or box, stands at the top of the stairs and "announces" that it's time for a human to join her i.e. give her attention. That announcement is usually followed by the pounding of kitty feet as Mr. Naughty, Nervous Nellie's nemesis decides he wants to get one more pin in before bedtime. Hissing and yowling commence as eight cat feet thud across the floor.

Finally, the humans are ready for bed. As soon as I turn off my light, the cats descend upon me.

Suppose the guy speaks cat? And if so, does he make house calls?

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, this is....amazing!!!

    I think your pet bedtime story is hysterical!!!



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