
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Monday Musings Continued on Tuesday

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny. Here's something that can make your life much easier. You don't need a skeleton pattern for poor Howard kitty. Voila. Skeleton kitty paint- by-number kit for your perusal.

Alas, no pigs for Aunt Fatty catty, but I love the plaid. You could make her resemble a footstool.

For Feral. Hmmm. This is tough. With the excessively long fangs I don't think cutesy or storybooky would work. I think a maroon bolero jacket and poofy cream pants. I'd paint a silver curved dagger looking thin
g to dangle at his side.

Then, new idea here, I could decorate my bandages with varicolored Sharpie
s and make cool rectangular temporary tattoos.


  1. Kelly - you've gone round the bend this time!! These cats are freaking me out!! That skeleton is pure creepy, but I love the plaid cat!

    Maybe I've gone round the same bend! See you when we go round again!


  2. ewww...that's so cool! Hey, I left you something at the Maple. YOu'll have to scroll down & look for somethign "Brilliant"

  3. OH...MY...GOSH. The skeleton cat!!!! That would be my little man! I love it! And I could see Aunt Fatty in plaid. I always imagined if she talked she would have a scottish accent. :) Thanks Kelly!


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