
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Super Cinema Saturday ~ Indy, Crystal Skulls and Loads of Adventure

Indy's back...and knees...and other aches and pains. You gotta admire a man willing to revisit a success in such a sacrificial way. It was easy to cheer him on even though the action had slowed a bit.

Dry, droll and to-the-point, the older, wiser and classic Indy takes on the Russians, the feds and a mushroom cloud.

Within this flick are unbelievable scenes...just as I expected. You have to be willing to go along for the ride and enjoy it. If you plan to take a notebook to record the moments you have to suspend disbelief, then don't go.

Indy also delivers creepy crawlies and moldering corpses. A whole lot of bad guys guarantee the wild car chases and crashes. Indy has slowed down but he can still kick some serious bad guy rear end.

Youthful foolishness and posturing is delivered by Mutt, Indy's new and not necessarily welcomed sidekick. But Indy has grown up and is ready to teach. Besides some of the miraculous saves, I didn't buy some of the too easily mended relationships, but other than that, this was a great, entertaining summer flick.
(Children sensitive to creepies and things that bump in the night should probably not see Indy.)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review. It was good to hear your take on it too. I loved it though I felt sad to see the entire crew that I grew up watching, getting older. I didn't like the alien thing either...or the swinging through the jungle thing. I still love Indie. thanks for checking out my flash fiction too. I'd love to see you do it!


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