
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Serials and Scenarios ~The Hunted

Mike will "visit" the Dregs on Friday. You won't want to miss his Q & A. In the meantime read the first chapter of The Hunted, visit Mike's website and click on the cover to visit the Amazon page for even more reviews and info.

My Review:

Advice to supernatural thriller fans -- pick up The Hunted, sink your teeth into it, and prepare for a wild ride. Debut author Mike Dellosso's prose is solid and descriptive. His characters are well-drawn, distinctive and believable. Twisted and fast-moving, the story delivers plenty of creeps and thrills. Dellosso delivers a solid plot line that intensified in the heart of the book and carried through to the end, no soggy middle here. Issues of faith were handled honestly and with sensitivity.

I whipped through The Hunted often reading "just one more chapter" and am giving it 4 enthusiastic stars. I found The Hunted to be a very well-written, intense first novel and I'm looking forward to reading more from Mike Dellosso.

Chickens, consider yourselves warned. You may find some scenes to cluck about...


  1. Hey, Kelly, thanks so much for posting about my book and putting your wonderful review on Amazon, too. Much appreciated!


  2. Kelly, I bet Mike will deliver a great Dregs interview! I'll be watching!!


  3. Great review. This is a finalist!


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