
Monday, June 09, 2008

Scribbles and Scrambles ~ Electrified

I didn't have a camera but I've begged for a few pictures so I can share the amazing sunset/incoming thunderstorm I experienced this evening.

This series of still shots with rainstorm audio will just have to do.

Tonight, the western sky looked exactly like pink Black Hills Gold. Imagine huge cotton balls dipped in liquid rose-gold piled in the sky and then illuminated. The damp grass on the hill below glowed in the unusual light and it danced as the wind picked up.

Lightning began playing tag in the clouds and sneaking down to touch base on the ground far below. As we watched, awed by the immensity of God's powerful creation, the sky darkened into pewter, and opened up in a deluge of cold, fat water drops.

I am always humbled by a tiny display of God's power and creativity. I can't imagine what He has in store in heaven.

1 comment:

  1. Oooohhh Goodie! THanks fo r sharing! Thunderstorms are one of my biggest treats on this earth. Bubby's too so I can't wait to show him this. Thanks for sharing! The best I've seen personally were in Nebraska when we lived there. We were on base so we had the flightline and lots of clear land to see the wide open sky and the colors were amazing like you mentioned. Sometimes yellow with some green, others blue & purpley clouds, just amazing. I loved this post! Funny comment too about my avatar looking down - tee hee.


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