
Monday, May 05, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Monday...a Lame Poem

Apologies extended to any brave souls who read beyond this sentence.

Mixed-Up-Ode to Monday

Monday, you are infamous. Second only to Friday in your 15 minutes of fame spotlight. How many melancholy songs mention you by name?

So really, should you be dismayed that


Let me tell you why you inspire my passion.

Every Monday morning robs me of sleep. It's true...even on busy Sunday I sleep an hour later. I can't help it if I get a little cranky while suffering sleep deprivation.

I like my job, really I do. But I like it so much more on Friday, and so, so much less on Monday.

And you make me feel guilty, too, Monday. How can I rejoice and be glad in this day that God has made when it's full of sleep deprivation, work and crankiness?

Good news. Tomorrow is Tuesday which is much closer to Friday.


  1. ha! That was funny. You & my Bubby would be fast friends!

  2. Oh my!! Did we get off to a rough start yesterday Kelly? He! He!

    You are so funny!


  3. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Kelly -- You know it's bad when you come in on Monday morning and before 10:00, you're counting down the hours till Friday. That's how it is in my office. Perhaps it's time to find a more satisfying job??

    Also, I like the picture. Brings me back to those early days of twindom. Now they are almost 7.

  4. Brad,

    How can your boys be almost 7? Time whips by. Which I guess is wonderful since Mondays do go faster that way. : ). Thanks for popping in. Give K and the boys a hug from us Iowans...and yourself, too. : )


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