
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Facebook Nation

Three laptops, three females, a couch and a loveseat in a space of 49 sq ft or so.

And what are we doing? Blogging and facebooking. What time is it?

Eleven p.m.

Time to go act like a mother.

I think I'll send a "Go to bed." instant message to my daughters.

If you are reading this after eleven p.m. you should go to bed, too.

You're welcome.


  1. lol your a dork. i did after i watched the office. like 11:45. i love u 2 mommy. ill have to make u another flair of myself for u. :D

  2. wait how did u know i was still up?

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    What does 11:00 p.m. look like?
    BTW to you and little Xta Zoe...the transition to downstairs sleeping has gone perfect! Absolutely no issues! Of course the treasure box incentive helped!
    Briefly picture:
    Large pregnant woman, toddler bed, 14 stuffed animals, 1 under-sized toddler boy, two dogs of various sizes, a couple of small square blankies...repicture that toddler bed with all of this in it...backrubs for 20 minutes and then the dismantaling begins. Easiest method is swinging the belly to the open end of the bed and letting gravity work. Running upstairs and doing a happy dance! First freedom in over 4 years.

    Still sleeping on edge.

  4. Ok, I'm on to you now! Lack of sleep!! You're blogging and facebooking and not reading! Hmmmmm!

    I'm falling asleep at night while I'm reading! He! He! He!


  5. at 11pm? I wonder where they get it...
    I've got you's 3 a.m. but it is Friday night. I think sleeping late and staying up late is good for the brain.


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