
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Scribble and Scrambles - Even Better than Laughing Babies...

Mid-week har, har, har. Haven't figured my sense of humor out yet? Here's a huge clue. This kind of stuff totally cracks me up.

I laughed. I cried. I yodeled.


  1. that was a riot, though I felt my ADD kicking in a few times.
    I kept wondering who this Paul reminded me of. It was Kevin, from The Office. I'm thinkin' Paul & TJ here have a lot of cats, time and no women.

    Here's what I loved:
    -Aspect ratios
    -Perfectly placed rows of identical food items
    -the critic

    What I hated:
    a plate of tuna over the carpet. That gave me stress and I don't even have carpets.

  2. The art critic!!!! Yes!


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